Pure plant oil
Plant oils are extracted from nuts, seeds and fruit by means of cold pressing followed by fine purifying without applying high temperature. Their valuable qualities are thus preserved and the storage period is prolonged. Oils are mixtures of triglycerides of non saturated fatty acids, and the skin being fatty permeable and not water permeable easily absorbs the oils and becomes velvety soft and smooth.
Poly non-saturated fatty acids are a form of vitamin F which is an important bio stimulator for the various physiological and biochemical processes in the body.
Plant oils accelerate cell metabolism, improve moisturizing, help the formation of collagen and fibrionogen. They improve the local blood and lymph circulation and recover the skin turgor.
They help normal functioning of the fatty glands, avert the excessive greasing and dilating of the pores. Plant oils contain phytosteroids as well, vitamin E, phospholipids, macro and micro elements and other bioactive substances. The oils are easily accepted by human body and they are an important part of the metabolism.
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